Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mason gives his Mama her card and the boys each plant a tree.

Liam's plants a blue spruce out back.
Mason does too.
Stop at Smith's for more balloons and snacks.
Mason holds up the card he made for Emily.
Two balloons wasn't enough for the big card.
Up, up, and away.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thanks Again

Thanks again for all the calls, dinners, love, and support you all have shown. Mason, Liam and I really appreciate it and I apologize for not returning your calls.

Mason has matured a lot in the past three weeks and I am very proud of him. Liam is still the lovable goofball who the girls gush over. And I am keeping very busy with assorted stuff, taking one day as it comes.

We were sad yesterday when Kayla went home for the summer to Twin Fall, ID but we are happy that she will be back in August when school starts again. Allie will be home next week and the boys are excited for another fun summer with her.

Finally, I want to say a very big thank you to the boy’s schools, The Peek Program and Park City Academy. I am grateful to all the faculty and administrators who been incredibly supportive to the boys in the past three weeks. My job as a parent has been made a little easier because of all of them.
