Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mason gives his Mama her card and the boys each plant a tree.

Liam's plants a blue spruce out back.
Mason does too.
Stop at Smith's for more balloons and snacks.
Mason holds up the card he made for Emily.
Two balloons wasn't enough for the big card.
Up, up, and away.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Pete,
How beautiful. You are a wonderful Dad. Those boys are in great hands. I love you.
You are in our blessings and in our hearts.
Alex, Andy, Avery and Harriet

Rebeca Price said...

Loved to see your smiley faces on the pictures!!! you guys look great!
happy mother's day!!!

Anonymous said...

Sending you love!

Susannah said...

You and the boys are so amazing. What a perfect gift for Em! Thanks for sharing these pictures! You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Pete, I only just heard. My heart goes out to you and your sons.

Matt Skelly

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person Pete. and an amazing father. Mason and Liam are so lucky. Enjoy Fathers Day! You deserve Father of the Year award!