Last night on top of 9990' looking at Emily's flag. Hopefully it will still be there this winter when you hike up and ski the crest. You will have a chance to say hi too.
On August 13th the boys and I did nothing for Emily's birthday. In fact, they did not realize it was on that day. Liam did talk about her more that day which I thought was unusual. However, we did have a visitor.
That day a black butterfly got into the house and was flying around the living room. We have a lot of butterflies in the yard but one has never been in the house. The boy liked seeing it fly around and would acknowledge its presents now and then during the day to Allie or me.
When I was going to bed I notice it had made its way up to my bedroom and I went to sleep.
The boys came up early the next morning to wake me up and Liam said the butterfly is dead. In fact, it had died that night and was lying on the floor at the door to my room.
Appreciate everyday and the true friends you have in it.
Love, Pete, Mason, and Liam
Hi Peter, how are you guys doing? just wondering if you got the package we left the other day at you door step. I knocked on the door but nobody came. It was around lunch time..I saw the cars on the driveway (probably Allie's car) but still, no answer, so I just left it there.
hope you got it.
love you guys
Dear Pete,
what an amazing experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. Emily inspired us to live life to our fullest and to focus on appreciating all the wonderful love and loves in our lives. We were blessed to have been loved by her.
I hope you are finding the support, comfort and warmth you need right now. You deserve it.
We have you in our prayers every night. We send you love.
Love, Alex
Dearest Pete,
I stumbled across this tonight looking for foundations for heart transplant patients and families and was shocked and saddened to hear of this news. My friend's 16 year old son is in the operating room at this very moment.
I know you are filled with Tears and Memories. Treasure the memories, that is where your strength will come from. When love has touched our lives, it remains forever in our hearts. Emily will touch your heart and soul through many unique experiences. She is with you and the boys.
Just enjoy the moments.
I would love to talk to you. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you, as you were for me when I lost Jesse. In the past 8 months I have traveled over 100k miles. I have not been in the country much.
Can you email me? Same email as it was for the next 3-5 months. Then I am out of work.
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