Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Visit

Mason and Liam visit their Mama at the hospital on Saturday afternoon. It was Liam's first visit to the hospital and he enjoyed the treats(water and gram crackers) and bed(with all the buttons) as much as Mason.

Emily is sleeping right now and is looking forward to me getting her some lunch "from the outside." I think she wants some lettuce wraps? She had a good night last night so the pain in her back and the upset stomach are behind us. Hopefully we can break out of here tomorrow but we don't want to get our hopes up.

Thanks again for all your positive thoughts, help with the boys, and listening ears.

Love, Pete

One final note. On Friday, as the anesthesiologists were preparing to wheel Emily to the OR I was holding her head and she said, "See you on the other side." In a millisecond I went from what did she say, did she really say that, nervous laughter, the anesthesiologist gave me a funny look, and then I thought, "Oh, you mean the other side of those double doors I am about to walk through." Relieved, I kissed her on the cheek, we said our I love yous and I walked out into the surgical waiting room.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back in 4 North


Emily is back on the fourth floor in the very same room where she recovered from her transplant in June. She is in a lot of pain from the chest tubes but the nurses are getting it under control.

The surgery was 2 and a half hours long and went off without hitch. Thank you all for your positive thoughts today.

Love, Pete

Thursday, August 28, 2008

10 weeks post-op but surgery tomorrow

Hello to all you Stars and Angels:

I am actually beginning this posting from the 4th floor hospital library, because I am in between appts. and am waiting to see the docs in clinic in a couple of hours. I had another biopsy this morning, and it was ON TIME and went SO smoothly that I have lots of time on my hands! I have not written for a while so let me fill you in some of what has been going on lately.

After my last biopsy on August 14, which was quite uncomfortable and did not go so smoothly (though, no fear, the results were excellent - no rejection:-)), the doctors ordered an ultrasound of the right side of my neck to see if the clot there had resolved. As you may recall from back on June 24, the day of my first biopsy and discharge from the hospital, I learned I had a clot in my right jugular vein, subclavian in location (I originally thought it was two clots, but it was only one). (This was when my right lung was punctured, which caused the pneumothorax to manifest 2 and 1/2 weeks later on July 5). Anyway, the great news is that my clot has resolved and, consequently, today the interventional cardiologists could actually do the biopsy as it is normally done accessing the heart through the right side of the neck/jugular vein. Going in on the right side made it a 40-50 min. procedure, rather than 1.5 to 2 hr. procedure and it was a cake walk for me and the docs! Yippeee! I still have to give myself the blood thinner injections (Lovenox) for another 2 weeks - the course of treatment for a clot is a min. of 12 weeks, but the end of that is in sight.

Okay, so now on to more good and bad news. I am home now and learned this afternoon that the effusion (fluid around my heart) has increased in the last two weeks and they are concerned that at some point it will cause significant problems for my new heart and may be the cause of the high heart rate I've been experiencing. So, I am now scheduled for another surgical procedure tomorrow, which is relatively routine and minor (compared to my transplant!), but which requires general anesthesia and is still serious business. In this procedure, the surgeon will make a "pericardial window" (a small squarish opening) in the pericardium (sac around the heart), will drain the fluid with a chest tube, which requires me to be admitted to the hospital for at least a few days. The aim is to allow the window to stay open so as to give the heart and the sac time without fluid between them to "meet" and connect. I like to think this is kind of similar to the amazing words Mr. Barack Hussein Obama spoke this evening in his amazing, kick butt, historic acceptance speech (we all have commonality, can "meet"/agree on some level if not on all levels)!!! Can't resist, sorry!

Anyway, if more fluid keeps coming before the "meeting" occurs, it will drain into the area around the right or left lung (depending on which side of my chest they do this procedure on), which is very able to absorb fluid (unlike the pericardial lining). Once the fluid is gone and the sac and heart can meet and fit together, I hopefully won't have this effusion problem again.

As we joked earlier, I have to keep up my good record of spending every holiday weekend this summer in the hospital!!! Mem. Day was Cath, Diagnosis, Transplant evaluation; July 4th weekend was the pneumothorax, and Labor Day is pericardial window!!! But, I aim to be out by early-mid next week and should resume normal activities and have a quick recovery.

SO, please send me your prayers tomorrow and over the next few days. Please also send Pete and our boys lots of love and support if you can.

Here are a few more tidbits I wrote earlier but will keep in this as less relevant but the goings on of our lives, nonetheless!

-- I am now cleared for driving and "other activities." Lifting is a gradual process, so while I have picked up Liam a few times, I still need to be careful and work up to his weight. I am doing well in cardiac rehab, going about 20 min. on the treadmill at a slight grade and 20 min. on the bike as well, and using arm and leg weights, which is funny since I have never lifted before. I have taken a few short walks around home, on the trail behind us and to the "dog pond" with Maggie. It is nice to get outside as the temps cool down a bit. I celebrated my 39th birthday and my 1st with the new heart on August 13th! It was a wonderful, mellow day, and I so appreciated just being alive and well, at home with my family! We had a picnic at the park down the street with the Wiczek family - it was just great. I must say that I have a whole new attitude about my birthday -like most things, I suppose, it is what you make of it, and there is no need for me to ever bemoan getting old. Each year of life I can celebrate is such a gift! And thanks to all of you who called, emailed, sent real cards, or just thought of me and sent good energy!!

I/we received a really fabulous gift on the Friday after my bday of LOBSTER from Maine! My brother and his family sent 8 live lobsters to us, which we boiled and ate with glee (and lots of melted butter!). We shared the evening with fellow East Coasters Katherine and Roger and Beth and Brian, and yes, I ate more than anyone else! (Yes, I had to clear the event with my doctors - they said a small gathering was okay!) We even had a bit leftover so Pete and I ate lobster rolls the next night too. What a wonderful yummy, delicious treat. We HUGELY thank Christopher, Christina, Noah, Wylie, and Homer.

A big transition of late is the departure of our beloved Allie back to college at Lake Forest in Chicago. We all miss her so much! I even added a texting plan to my cell phone and plan on getting proficient at texting to we can communicate more easily! (Yes, I am finally joining the 21st century, but you still won't find me on Facebook.) We miss her whole family too, since we no longer get the daily updates on Bob, Patty, Nate, Sophie, Hannah, and Abbey. But, one of the gals will hopefully babysit soon, so we'll be sure to stay in touch!

Thanks to you all for your love and support. Have a wonderful long Labor Day weekend and enjoy the last days of SUMMER!!! Wish I could be at that Labor Day BBQ/picnic with you all!
Lots of love,
Emily, Pete, Mason, Liam, and Maggie too

P.S. Got the great news tonight of the excellent biopsy results from my biopsy this morning -- no rejection! YEAH! Another glimmer of sunshine before the tough day ahead tomorrow!
Also, I can reduce my prograf med a bit because the blood test showed it too high - so hopefully those hand tremors I've been experiencing the last two weeks will subside a bit (for those of you who don't see me regularly, the tremors are weird! For those of you who do, you'll know what I am talking about!).

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Dearest STARS and ANGELS:

This is a long posting, so I apologize in advance! We have lots to share, but luckily nothing too dramatic!

I have been so touched lately by all the gifts I am receiving so I wanted to share some with you all: phone calls, conversations, letters, article sent from Pete’s uncle, visit from Whitney, visit and hard yard work from Chas and Reed, lots of yummy meals including special crab cakes all the way from Maryland, a couple of short first real “walks”; two sessions with yoga and pranayama/meditation instructor Whitney Reed (don’t know even who to thank for this incredible gift yet but I will get the info. soon!), and my first real, somewhat accidental public outing on the way home from dog pond. Please bear with me as I describe in more detail some of these touching gifts:

*I received a note and article from Pete’s Uncle John last week with a copy of J.K. Rowling’s June 2008 commencement address at Harvard. It was, hands down, the best commencement address I have ever read/heard, and I attach the link here for you all because it is so worth reading. John, in what according to his daughter Whitney is his endearing way, underlined and starred a few passages and sentences, including a few personal thoughts as well in the margins! It was all so right on and I loved each and every concept, word, underline, and star. So thank you Uncle John!

* Pete’s godfather and his wife, Peter and Marylou Lewis, called from their home in Honolulu, Hawaii, after talking with Pete’s parents last week and learning of the events in our lives. It was wonderful to hear from them, and we so appreciate their call all the way from Hawaii. They have both experienced their own share of health issues and their daughter-in-law was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing treatment, so we send lots of love, good energy, and prayers their way as well.

* Pete’s dear cousin Whitney Foehl came for a visit from Truckee, Nevada. She willingly drive me to the hospital three days in a row for my cardiac rehab and other appts., hung out with me, played with the boys, took my heart milagro necklace to the jeweler to have a new leather chain and clasp put on it so I would not lose it, went grocery shopping for us repeatedly, cooked us dinner, including amazing enchiladas which even picky Mason loved, went biking with Pete, swimming with the kids, and all around was fun and helpful to have around!

* I received flowers from three friends with beautiful reds and yellow - a preview of cooler temps and fall colors/weather.

* We have received many awesome dinners lately from many SLC friends including Brandy S., the two Lizes, the Housers, the Sheinberg/Turok family, Amy A., and Katherine in PC too! Dinner tonight is honest-to-goodness REAL crab cakes all the way from Maryland (along with spinach, pear, and strawberry salad, and rice salad) from Christa! What a treat this will be, and, as you all know me too well, you can guess that I am already salivating over them!

* Tait, the friend who bought our old house with his wife Carrie, almost made me cry the other night on the phone with such sweet kind words regarding Pete and I. This actually has been happening quite a bit – thank you all for your expressions of encouragement and amazement at us/our family. We try to take your words at face value, cannot always believe what you say, but we appreciate it nonetheless!

* I received a call just checking in and a beautiful flowering plant (Camelia, I think) from the folks at the Colby School, an amazing Tribes-based school – Mason’s preschool.

* Apparently, a number of you, organized by Laura C., chipped in together and purchased me a gift certificate for a series of sessions with Whitney Reed, a local yoga, pranayama, and mediation teacher. She has come twice now, and while I cannot do a ton of yoga yet (see below for lifting of that restriction), she has taught me some breathing/pranayama exercises that feel great! I look forward to more sessions and learning more about who exactly has given me this gift! Thank you -- this is so meaningful and helpful!

* I took my first walk to the dog pond with Carolyn, Logan, Onyx, and Maggie on last Tuesday evening, and my second walk on Saturday morning with Melissa, Peschka, and Maggie, again to the dog pond.

* I experienced my first real/accidental public outing post-transplant after the walk to the dog pond with Melissa - on the way back we saw Otis the wonder lab in a silver 4Runner parked outside the bagel shop in Pinebrook, so Melissa popped her head inside and found Katherine and 2-yr. old son Owen getting bagels before heading to Home Depot for the kids project morning. We ended up sitting outside at a table for a short visit while Katherine and Owen ate their bagels. It was so nice for me just to sit there and talk and listen and be out and about, like a normal person (no one ever said I was normal)!!

* A huge thanks to Patti W. (mom and dad to Nate, Sophie, Allie, Hannah, and Abbey) for her amazing parenting, healing touch, adjustments, and friendship.

* Mason and Liam had a fantastic morning today – Miss Elaine, Mason’s preschool teacher at the Colby School from last year who will be his teacher again this year, came to take the boys to the park for a few hours this morning! Mason was soooooooo excited to see her, and she him, and they all had a great time. We so appreciate her spending her time with our boys - she has such a gift with children and makes Mason feel very special!

* Pete’s older brother Chas, whom you have previously heard about and seen on this blog, is back for his second visit this summer! This time, he brought his 8-year old son Reed, with whom Mason is enchanted and whom Mason is wearing out!!! It is great to have them here as well, and we thank them for taking the time to be with us, help us out with the kids, cook, clean up the dishes, grocery shop, etc. We miss Sara and Walker, but thank Sara especially for her sacrifice in being alone this week so her son and hubby can be here with us. Walker, we hope you are having a great time at camp in Ontario! See more thanks for Chas and Reed below.

* Chas, Reed, and Pete undertook a huge project this morning of weeding the path down to the lower part of our yard where our “dancing circle” (so dubbed by musical Mason) is, in which we have placed some Adirondack chairs and a new fire bowl/pit that we have been using to make smores! In the past week or so, some men, we believe hired by our homeowner’s association, have been cutting down some dead pines behind us. They are hauling the wood to the road up the trail from us to the Southwest, and are chipping all the wood. So there are a few large pieces of cut logs and a huge pile of wood chips on the side of the road. Consequently, while Pete was weeding and cutting back the path, which was seriously overgrown, Chas and Reed took something like 15 trips with the wheel barrow over the creek and up the trail behind our yard to the huge pile of wood chips and mulched the path in our yard with inches of newly chipped wood! The three of them also rolled a few larger pieces of log down to the yard to serve as stools/table for the “dancing circle.” The result is a fantastic and very fun stone patio, and it was a hot and dirty undertaking on their part! I send a MASSIVE thank you to Chas and Reed for helping Pete in this endeavor. See pictures of smore night! WHAT A LOT OF INCREDIBLE GIFTS WE HAVE RECEIVED. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Maggie, Liam, Reed, and Mason at breakfast!

On the more personal newsy front, it has been very hot lately, which makes for lots of visits to the pool for the boys and Allie and/or Pete. Chas, Reed, Pete, Mason and Liam are out swimming now.

Last Wed. and Thurs. 7.30 and 7.31, I underwent two big days of testing for what is called the “baseline examination.” It serves as the baseline for annual exams in the future. On Wednesday, I had lots of labs drawn (blood testing), turned in my 24-hour urine sample, which is then tested for kidney function, and had a chest xray, an echocardiogram, an EKG, and a visit with the nurse transplant coordinator. It all went smoothly. Then on Thursday the 31st, I had a bit more blood testing, then a groin catheterization (cath) to test the pressures in the left side of the heart, an angiogram and intravenus ultrasound through the catheter to test/view the health of the heart arteries, and a neck cath and biopsy to test the right heart pressures and test the heart tissue for rejection. This all went well also, and though it took a while because of waiting time and the procedures were about 2.5 hours, it was all outpatient. After the caths, I had a visit with the transplant cardiologist/nurse, etc. Normally the baseline exam is done closer to 10-12 weeks post-op., but because I agreed to be part of a study, they did it at about 6 weeks post-op. I learned on Thursday that the arteries were squeaky clean (maybe a surprise to those of you who know my love of butter and half-n-half!), and learned on Friday that my labs all had good results, my kidney function is excellent, my heart function is excellent, and, perhaps most importantly, my biopsy results were excellent (no rejection). The nurse also told me on Friday that I could begin to get out and about a bit, i.e., go to the grocery store at off hours, go to the park. No approval for the pool yet, and no big crowds, but it is a welcome bit of news.

I am still plagued by two things, neither of which seem to concern the doctors much: (1) a continued high heart rate in the mornings, which usually decreases throughout the day, and some more fluid (effusion) around the heart (remember the pericardiocentesis a few weeks back to remove fluid). Because the fluid removed back on July 11 showed no signs of infection and low inflammatory levels, and because the new fluid is not compressing the heart and impeding my cardiac function, the doctors are taking a wait-and-see approach to the fluid effusion and high heart rate at this time. According to the docs, the two issues do not appear to be related.

On a sad note, Allie's last day is just one week away. This is her last full week :-(.... She heads back to college in Chicago and the leadership role as an R.A. in her dorm. We are so very sad to see her go, but of course would not have it any other way. We will all miss her so much. I am not sure if it will be harder on me, who has come to rely on Allie in so many ways and who enjoys her company so much, or harder on the boys, who absolutely adore her. Liam is especially attached to her. Thankfully, we have recently hired a new nanny, Jessica, who will start just as Allie leaves. She grew up here, went to college at Smith, now lives back in PC, and was a middle school teacher at a private school here for a while. This job will be temporary for her as she wants to go back to school for a masters in English or a J.D. next year, but we hope it works well for the coming year. She will not be able to “replace” Allie, as Allie is one-of-a-kind, irreplaceable, and a part of our family! But, we are hopeful that Jessica will bond well with the boys and be a good fit for our family too. She is fun and full of energy, which is important!

Hopefully, Monday and Tuesday will be the last days that I will need a chauffeur. I finally have a follow up with the surgeon next Tuesday 8.5, as he is the doc that has to approve my resumption of the activities that are restricted because of the sternum break. Some of us in the family are anxiously awaiting the lifting of the restrictions, as they also include lifting anything over 5 lbs. (i.e., I have not been able to lift/hold Liam and Mason since the surgery unless they are sitting on my lap), intimate relations (this site is rated G) with my hubby, yoga - using arms, i.e., downward dog and other poses, full-body massage (not able to lay on my stomach/sternum). Sorry to be so frank, but Pete cannot wait for Tuesday to arrive!

On another note, after all my testing on Thursday & after I saw the docs/nurse in clinic, we were asked by the nurse Shirley if we would not mind meeting/talking to a couple in the next room, Jean and Dan, on whom the transplant team had “just dropped a major bomb” (medical team’s words, not mine). We of course agreed, and then spoke to Jean and Dan for a few minutes. The conversation made us only realize anew how incredibly fortunate we are. Jean and Dan are cattle ranchers in Montana, Jean works in the school system and holds their insurance, and they had just been told that she needs a transplant and they need to relocate to SLC within one month for the waiting and recovery period, which can be up to years (2-3). SLC is the closest (and best) care they can get. They were obviously a little shell-shocked, but we tried to answer their questions as best we could, and offer what we knew/our experience. Obviously we are no help on the relo issue, and I can only imagine what it means for them and their ranch, which is a 24-7 job. Anyway, we wish them all the best, good energy, and positivity for the struggles and decisions they face. We hope we can be of further service to folks like them in the future.

After this week and Chas' and Reed's departure, we will not have any visitors for the rest of the summer. Two friends of Emily's are scheduled to come for along weekend in Sept. but that is the only visitors on the horizon. While we are looking forward to some family time, we also appreciate all of our family that have made such extensive efforts to be here so much over the last few months. We love and thank you all!

And finally, if you live in Utah and want to become an organ donor but have not yet found the time, please visit this link:

Also for you locals, our family will be participating in the 5K Dash for Donation run/walk on Sat. morning August 16th at Sugarhouse Park, which is a fundraiser for organ donation. For more info., please call me or check out the link at We would love to have you join us if you are so inclined and are available!

Much thanks, love, and peace to you all,
Em, Pete, Mason, Liam and Maggie