YIKES - CAN anyone believe it was ONLY 4 weeks ago tonight that I began a 7 hour surgery and received a new heart!!! TRULY, this is miraculous!!!!!!!!!!! As I parroted from my colleague and friend Jim K. in my first entry post-transplant surgery, I write now, weeks later, that I am STILL dumbstruck at how well this has all gone and how quickly the time is passing. I guess the time is passing quickly because I am so busy with follow-up stuff, at the U hospital 3 or 4 days a week. Nonetheless, tomorrow is my 4th weekly biopsy, after which the schedule of biopsies, thankfully, will be reduced to one every other week for a few months -- once a week is a bit too frequent for my tender neck!
So, on this small anniversary of note, I want to thank:
First, my donor and donor family again. I have no new or better words to express my appreciation at this time than I did a few weeks ago, so I shall just say "what an utterly incredible gift."
Second, I thank my family and friends near and far, especially: my parents, siblings, and their families for all their concern, love, support, and multiple visits; Pete's brother Chas for serendipitously being here for the big event, and the rest of Pete's family for all their concern, love, and support; Pete's parents for their incredible card of love, hope, and prayer which was a Shutterfly card they made of the pictures of candles they lit for me in beautiful churches they visited while on their Mediterranean cruise (they left the country the night of the transplant and followed my progress by the blog and email from the ship!); all the friends who have brought us delicious meals, which is so incredibly helpful I cannot possibly tell you; the friend that drove me home last Friday and got stuck in construction/paving traffic going back to SLC; all of you that have posted on the blog, sent personal emails, sent snail mail cards and packages, and called on the telephone; and, finally, for the Wiczek family, especially hard-working mother of three Melissa - you all know how much she has done for us and we are so very very thankful to have the Wiczeks in our lives.
Third, I am so very thankful for the incredible care I have received and am receiving from the U.T.A.H Cardiac Transplant team-- doctors, fellows, cardiac transplant coordinators, PAs, nurses, aides, etc., and the Cardiac Cath labs at Primary Children's and the U.
Fourth, an update on our fundraising: Thanks to the many family and friends who have donated to our cause and are wearing "my burnt orange bracelet." This includes a big thanks to all the folks/clients/colleagues at the BLM in Utah - Wow! It means so much to us to have you all participate in this way, and hopefully you'll let us know somehow if you are an organ donor too! We have raised nearly $1,000.00, and if you are waiting for your check to cash, we will be endorsing your checks and giving your cash over to an entity a residential entity that houses transplant recipients while they are recovering and doing the 3-6 mos. of intense post-transplant follow-up care. We'll send a link for the residence when we can. We changed recipients for the fundraising because of the tax issues involved in fundraising, the complexity of starting up our own 501.3(c), the difficulty of trying to earmark a donation to a very specific cause within the University of Utah system, and because the doctors on the Transplant Team speak so highly of this residential center that provides a home for all those who come from afar (Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, other places in Utah, etc.) and need a clean, inexpensive place to stay for what can be months or even years while waiting for a transplant or in post-transplant care.
Time for bed. Lots and lots and lots of love to you all,
Emily, Pete, Mason, Liam and Maggie
p.s. look closely at the lobster picture, i.e., the "rubber bands" around the claws!!
1 comment:
Thanks for keeping us all updated. I still can't get over the miracle of modern medicine that you are living everyday.
Best to you and Pete and the boys from all of us in Clarksburg.
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