Sunday, July 6, 2008


Just a quick post script to share two things:
Upon realizing that I was going to be admitted to the hospital, I realized I really needed my glasses (key for seeing once my contacts come out), my earplugs (key for sleeping in the hospital), and my "heart pillows."

[The heart pillows: When visiting me in the hospital three weeks ago today, my cousin Nina gave me a small firm pillow shaped like a heart that she had received upon discharge from the hospital after her heart transplant almost 8 years ago - I sleep with that pillow every night, holding it against my chest when I move so that my sternum/incision area does not hurt. Upon my discharge post transplant, I also received a similar but slightly larger pillow in the shape of a heart with a pen/marker on which the doctors, nurses, and aides who have taken care of me have written their names/messages of congratulations. These pillows are very useful when I laugh, cough, etc. - I hold them tightly again my chest and they "splint" the sternum, essentially supporting it.]

Pete called Allie at home and she kindly gathered up my things, all the while diligently caring for Mason and Liam; then Pete called Beth and Brian who, without hesitation, at 6 pm on a Sat. evening, happily agreed to bring my stuff down to me at the hospital. When Beth arrived at the house to pick up the bag of stuff, Mason kissed and hugged my heart pillows before she could take them! Finally, when Beth arrived at the hospital, she held my hand, listened to my weepy sad self, and buoyed me right up!

So, this p.s. is really to thank Allie, Beth, and my sweet boy Mason for all their love, support, and help!
Love and peace,


Anonymous said...


What a bummer to be back in a hospital bed, sure you seem to have recovered from heart transplant surgery in record time, but I see that as no reason for punishment. ;) You're just amazing with your good humor and good spirits. Thanks for keeping us all posted. I'm pulling for you from here in NYC, hoping they spring you soonest. Glad you're snug with your heart pillows at least, those sound terrific. xoxo and the biggest hugs, Em

Unknown said...

Hi Em,

We were so sorry to hear that you're back in the hospital! I hope you get to go home again soon. In the mean time, enjoy your mother's visit.

Em (Fiscus--there seem to be a lot of us out there!)