Monday, October 12, 2009

Home again, somewhat temporarily!

Good evening my dear stars and angels:

I am remiss in making this posting, but life has been a bit crazy of late. I am home from the hospital!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! The docs took pity on me and decided I was stable enough that I was needed more at home and would suffer less stress if I were at home!

Pete had a little incident this weekend when he awoke in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and proceeded to pass out. He hit the tile in our bathroom pretty hard, but thankfully he *only* banged up his lips, cracked his two front teeth, bruised his face and back and hip. We were lucky it was not worse, but it was pretty scary all the same. He came to on his own, not sure how long he was out. Apparently, this is something that can happen to men after lying prone, getting up quickly, and urinating; then the vegal nerve releases or something, which causes the heart rate and BP to drop, which can make one dizzy or make one pass out. We hope this simple explanation is what happened; It happened about 10 years ago to Pete and once in college (eons ago!), and he has a very low resting heart rate, so it makes sense. FYI, when my sister saw a picture of poor Pete, she joked that she had the scenes and music from Deliverance in her head!

Meanwhile, Liam woke that same morning and screamed/cried "mama come home" for over an hour! So, the docs took pity on me and sent me home.
Unfortunately, the discharge was with the understanding that I will likely be back this week or next (hopefully not until next) for another small surgery which involves draining the fluid around my heart to the abdominal cavity. Currently it drains into the pleural/lung cavity. In case I did not report it to you, the docs removed 2.1 liters (!!!) of fluid from around my heart within the pericardium last Friday. Yes, a crazy amount of fluid, but it appeared to relieve my symptoms of high heart rate, high-ish BP, and the pressures inside the heart normalized after fluid was drained. That is all good, but, yes, once again, my body's reaction to this fluid is exactly opposite of what the docs expect. I do not get the typical "cardiac or pericardial tampenade," which usually includes low heart rate and BP, and is very dangerous, but some combination of typical symptoms but with high heart rate and high BP, which is not good either!
Anyway, the eniga/freak of nature continues to baffle, even with a new heart!

So, thanks again for all your prayers, positive thoughts, love and support. I will keep you posted on the next move, whenever it happens/whatever it may be.
Love and peace, and good night,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Em and Pete,
I am so sorry for all you are going through.
I send you love, prayers, warm blessings, light, and a warm hug,