Hi there stars and angels, friends and family near and far:
My dear friend Laura C. sent this to me tonight. Although it is past my bedtime, I so appreciate its message and sentiment that I want to share it with all of you. I hope you enjoy it/feel it, as I did.
On the more practical front, we are faring well in Utah. First snow arrived last Wed., Sept. 30th, and it has been cold, cold, cold ever since (22 degrees this am)! I am recovering from my rejection episode, and go back to the U. Hosp. for more follow up (echo, labs, doc's visit) this coming Thursday 10.8. Still not feeling 100% but getting closer every day. Hope you are all well and enjoying Autumn (otherwise known as Almost Winter in Utah).
Lots of love and peace, and please read below,
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| October 6, 2009 We Are Family Humanity When it comes to our families, we sometimes see only our differences. We see the way our parents cling to ideas we don’t believe, or act in ways we try not to act. We see how practical one of our siblings is and wonder how we can be from the same gene pool. Similarly, within the human family we see how different we are from each other, in ways ranging from gender and race to geographical location and religious beliefs. It is almost as if we think we are a different species sometimes. But the truth is, in our personal families as well as the human family, we really are the same.
A single mother of four living in Africa looks up at the same stars and moon that shine down on an elderly Frenchman in Paris. A Tibetan monk living in India, a newborn infant in China, and a young couple saying their marriage vows in Indiana all breathe the same air, by the same process. We have all been hurt and we have all cried. Each one of us knows how it feels to love someone dearly. No matter what our political views are, we all love to laugh. Regardless of how much or how little money we have, our hearts pump blood through our bodies in the same way. With all this in common, it is clear we are each individual members of the same family. We are human.
Acknowledging how close we all are, instead of clinging to what separates us, enables us to feel less alone in the world. Every person we meet, see, hear, or read about, is a member of our family. We are truly not alone. We also begin to see that we are perfectly capable of understanding and relating to people who, on the surface, may seem very different from us. This awareness prevents us from disconnecting from people on the other side of the tracks, and the other side of the world. We begin to understand that we must treat all people for what they are—family.
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I could not agree with this more, and this is especially underscored for me when I travel the world and meet people from many walks of life. (Just a little shameless plug for my blog--I wrote about this subject in a piece called "Citizens of the World" on July 4 which you might enjoy reading.) Thanks for sharing with all of us this beautiful message!
Wonderful. Beautiful... like you.
We send you blessings and hope that you will feel 100% soon. enjoy the snow... I miss it!
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